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Does Your Voice Match Your Message?

Tonality is often talked about but never taught.

About Michael, creator of Tonality Training


I made over 7000 cold calls and booked meetings with F500 and F100 C-suite execs; led my office and region in self-prospected meetings and POVs shipped; and closed over $1.2m TCV my first year in B2B tech sales. Largest deal was $207k ARR.The right tonality turns a true cold call into a discovery call, on the spot.


Before sales, I was a professional opera singer and stage actor. 12 years of my life were spent training and performing at the highest level, where your voice must cut over an orchestra to fill a 3000-seat theatre with every color of the human emotional palette...all without a microphone.Without tonality, singing is robotic and spoken lines are meaningless.

Voice Over

If you're on this page, there's a good chance you've heard my voice narrating content and courses for the internet's most trendsetting creators 🐉

What Can Tonality Training Do For Me?

Unlock Your Voice

Do you lose control of your voice? Or worse, lose it all together? No matter how your voice sounds now, you can speak with a resonant and commanding tone while sounding natural and without ever going hoarse.

Perfect Your Delivery

Do you sound like a robot? Or worse, llike you're reading from a script? It might be your 1000th time saying these words, but it's your prospect/audience's first time hearing them.

Compel Listeners To Action

How do you trigger emotion and action from your listener without re-writing your lines? By getting specific on your subtext and intention behind your lines.

How Can I Learn To Master My Tonality?

Get The Guide


Get the guide 300+ speakers and sellers are using to command attention, authentically persuade, and uplevel their tonality.

Book a Coaching (1-1)


Drastically shorten your learning curve when you enter the Voice Lab. In 90 minutes, we'll address your unique vocal goals, role-play them in your scenarios, and make adjustments to your script/process for maximum impact.

Get the tonality of a closer

Unlock your voice

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